The Birth of A Brand...

Founded by Sakeena Brooks, a NYC native with a passion for fashion, Posh Tomboy emerged in 2021 at the height of the pandemic. Driven by the desire to dress her children in unique, trendsetting outfits, Sakeena, a self-taught designer, created a brand that speaks to the "IT GIRL" in every young fashionista. With a marketing degree and extensive experience in children’s retail, Sakeena’s vision was to offer quality, age-appropriate clothing with a designer aesthetic—minus the hefty price tag.

Posh Tomboy is a celebration of confident, stylish girls who love to express themselves. Inspired by her youngest daughter, Sevyn, Sakeena’s designs blend comfort, durability, and cutting-edge style. The collection, available in sizes 2Y-14Y, is crafted with care, ensuring each piece is as unique as the girl who wears it.

Hailing from the fashion-forward streets of NYC, Posh Tomboy is more than just clothing; it's a lifestyle. Influenced by icons like Teyana Taylor, Aaliyah, and '90s R&B group TLC, the brand offers essential pieces that every mini fashionista needs—a dynamite boiler suit, a sweet tutu, a crisp white shirt, and more. Whether for a playdate or a special occasion, Posh Tomboy lets girls embrace their style, their way.

Sakeena’s journey from corporate life to entrepreneurship was born out of necessity and passion. After losing her job due to COVID-19, she took a leap of faith and channeled her love for fashion into creating Posh Tomboy. What began with just three signature pieces has grown into a brand that parents trust and girls adore.

At Posh Tomboy, we believe every girl deserves to shine. Our pieces are designed to mix and match with your favorite sneakers, making them the perfect union of swank, comfort, and fly. Join us in celebrating the unique style and confidence of girls everywhere—because at Posh Tomboy, fashion is more than just clothes; it’s a way of life.